Thursday, January 31, 2008

the toon
in the derkness
a stainit gless winnock

the city
in the darkness
a stained glass window
weet cluds gane -
the canaul towe-peth
a bricht blae

rain clouds gone -
the canal tow-path
a bright blue

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

athort the blae lift
a singul contrail muves -
scriever's clag ower

across the blue sky
a single contrail moves -
writer's block over
alang the burnside
snawdraps -
snaw faws

along the waterside
snowdrops -
snow falls
the jaur
o bricht daffins
...fusslin a jig aw day

the jar
of bright daffodils
...whistling a jig all day
a stour -
the cailleach stoaps
tae mait the maws

a blizzard -
the old lady stops
to feed the gulls

Monday, January 28, 2008

chinese lassie
her yalla pouther -
a furst daffin

chinese girl
her yellow powder -
a first daffodil

Sunday, January 27, 2008

brucken yill bottle -
in a splinder
freithy cluds

broken beer bottle -
in a fragment
frothy clouds
upwind a laddie
blawin bibbles -
a streetch intae a dramewarl

upwind a boy
blowing bubbles -
I walk into a dreamworld

Saturday, January 26, 2008

navvies roon the bore
gove doon oan a siller sin

labourers round the hole
gaze down on a silver sun

Friday, January 25, 2008

ootside the scuil
a fecht -
reid berries i the snaw

outside the school
a fight -
red berries in the snow
craw's neb
pikes the girse
the hale perk chitters

crow's beak
spikes the grass
the whole field shivers

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

tirl -
sheddaes stravaig
throuch the chaumers

breeze -
shadows wander
through the rooms
brainches streek oot
green taps
tig the tirl

branches stretch out
green tips
touch the breeze

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

dubs creckin -
a greitin bairn's runkilt neb

puddles cracking -
a crying child's crumpled face

Monday, January 21, 2008

in the clessroom winnock
new bulbs

in the classroom window
new bulbs
throuch the fawin weet
his bleck umberellae
muivin amang the craws

through the falling rain
his black umbrella
moving amongst the crows

Sunday, January 20, 2008

in a seelent vennel
a maw skirls
swallaein the jeelin wund

in a silent alley
a gull screams
swallowing the icy wind

Saturday, January 19, 2008

bawdrons curlt
i the monastery cheer -
ma maister

cat curled
in the monastery chair -
my master

Friday, January 18, 2008

Mornin Mass -
a fite wunter sin

Morning Mass -
a white winter sun

Thursday, January 17, 2008

a lift fou o sterns -
clinkin o glesses
dirr o the crack

a sky full of stars -
clinking of glasses
hum of conversation
a coortin perr sit -
her neb tae the sin
muves as it muves

young lovers sit -
her face to the sun
moves as it moves

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

sunlicht wyvein
throuch the brainches -
planets in luve

sunlight weaving
through the branches -
planets in love

Saturday, January 12, 2008

the t.v. aerial
bleckie luve sangs

the t.v. aerial
blackbird love songs
on the heichest brainch
a contrail progs'm

on the highest branch
a contrail pierces him
oot frae the snaw
a siller birk
makkin a plash

out from the snow
a silver birch
making a splash
ower freestit perks
lit frae aneath

over frosted fields
lit from beneath

Friday, January 11, 2008

janiveer jazz -
the wund-section's
blawn the ruif aff

january jazz -
the wind-section's
blown the roof off

Thursday, January 10, 2008

granda hauds'm
up tae the winnock
...dichts a fou muin ontae't

grandfather holds him up
to the window
...rubs a full moon onto it

Monday, January 07, 2008

snell wund -
throuch the causeys
a joogler jooglin gullies

bitter wind -
through the streets
a juggler juggling knives
youthie chiels
fellin youthie chiels -
weet blatters on sclidder

young men
killing young men -
rain beats on ice

Friday, January 04, 2008

takkin doon
Yule lichts -
the gairden snawlit

taking down
Christmas lights -
the garden snowlit

Thursday, January 03, 2008

licht throuch the winnock -
in ilka pictur
fawin snaw

light through the window -
in every picture
falling snow
plainstanes chackert
wi snaw an snawmelt -
a haud tae the bleck

pavements chequered
with snow and snowmelt -
I keep to the black

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

on a brig
twa trevellers
skair a wurd... 'pace'

on a bridge
two travellers
share a word... 'peace'
hogmanay -
rackets agane
flourishin fir a saicont

new year's eve -
fireworks again
blossoming for a second