mornin yatter -
ma neebours clype
...maggies jyne in
morning chatter -
my neighbours gossip
...magpies join in
dung doon ceeties -
tuithit gavel-ens staun
...a deevil's jeegsaw
bombed cities -
toothed gable-ends stand
...a devil's jigsaw
dawn chorus -
the yatter
o the bucket men
the chitchat
of the bin men
hairst -
duddie leaves
hing on
autumn -
tattered leaves
hang on
back agane
tae snowk the peat reek
...lowes thit nivver gae oot
back again
to smell the peat smoke
...fires that never go out
hameless -
doverin aneath the heidline:
homeless -
asleep beneath the headline:
sica bonnie lassie -
her spirlie fingers
cleuks o a draigon tattoo
such a lovely girl -
her slender fingers
claws of a dragon tattoo
deid man's bells
a ticht fit
...bummer backs oot slawly
a tight fit
...bee reverses out slowly
his banes runchin
wrochtin thayr ain aises
his bones grinding
making their own ashes
unner the tree
a fawen egg -
sumhin's sookit oot the sangburd
under the tree
a fallen egg -
something's sucked out the songbird