the AH!! mament -
gean flourish
the AH!! moment -
cherry blossom
his jab date:
Guid Friday
...the bouk thirlt
his vaccination date:
Good Friday
...the body pierced
furst bummers
souch i the daffins' heids
...voar raga
first bees
drone in the daffodils' heads
...spring raga
funeral mornin -
a bleckie howks a hole
i the seed-bed
funeral morning -
a blackbird digs a hole
in the seed-bed
the via dolorosa -
a dozie-heidit bawdrons
retours tae's dwam
a sleepy-headed cat
returns to his dream
traik the stations
throuch caunle-lit daffins
walk the stations
through candle-lit daffodils
the reeng
o harebells
the ring
of bluebells
taur squad
rained aff - a wattergaw
quat on the causey
ashphalt squad
rained off - a rainbow
left on the street
creck o the host
licht sklentin frae the quaich
...sabbath thunnerstorm
crack of the host
light flashing from the chalice
...sunday thunderstorm
the cob snecks an plets
the girss - she feshes the seed
Intae the wyve
the cob snips and plaits
the grass - she fetches the seed
into the weave
faither's waddin reeng
wark wurn -
inby, twa bricht nems
father's wedding ring
work worn -
inside, two bright names
the day
the cheep o a kintra tune
an the years drapt awa
the hint of a country accent
and the years fell away