err thrabs
as swans win awa
...stoorin cluds
air throbs
as swans leave clouds
aince mair
Yule lowes i the herth
again Christmas
flames in the hearth
friday clavers
roon the fush-van
...apen-mou'd mackrel
friday gossip
round the fish-van mackrel
anely hersel
an the Yule cactus -
lanely covid blues
only herself
and the Christmas cactus -
lonely covid blues
i the gairden
maggies line the palin
...boogie--woogie pianny
in the garden
magpies line the fence
...boogie-woogie piano
pumpkin foondert
anely the caunle left
...tae licht anither
pumpkin slumped
only the candle left light another