furst advent caunle
sterts tae daunce -
sterts THE DAUNCE!
first advent candle
starts to dance -
starts THE DANCE!
unco peerie squaik -
maggie's fund
sumhin siller
strange little squeak -
magpie's found
something silver
trainspottin -
myndin the auld puffers
...freesty braith
trainspotting -
remembering the old puffers
...frosty breath
geelt hameless -
reid straiks o a pastel lift
i thair een
frozen homeless -
red streaks of a pastel sky
in their eyes
hern's fuitprents
amang the saugh leaves
...stobbie calligraphy
heron's footprints
among the willow leaves
...spiky calligraphy
wa-gang agane -
eemigrant laddie
nirlin i the weet
leaving again -
emigrant son
shrinking in the rain
i the winnock -
fou muin, attercap,
an the threids am claucht in
in the windoow -
full moon, spider,
and the threads I'm caught in
doacter's appintment -
it his winnock skwurrel
hunkers creckin a nit
doctor's appointment -
at his window squirrel
sits cracking a nut
mawin the girss -
the creck
o cracker nits
mowing the grass -
the crack
of hazelnuts
burds cheeplin
wund i the treen - an me:
God's HI-FI seestem
birds chirping
wind in the trees - and me:
God's HI-FI system
saw neb dookin
gaein unner - syne
scartin whaur a lug micht be
goosander bathing
going under - then
scratching where an ear might be
leukin lik the hinmaist leaf
on a nakit acer
...Reid Rab
looking like the last leaf
on a naked acer
...a robin
auld tarry-breeks -
his twa powls
the swallin causey
the old sailor -
his two walking sticks
the swelling pavement
efter the weet -
speuggie lans on a brainch
brings doon anither shour
after the rain -
sparrow lands on a branch
brings down another shower