heavin up airlie -
the muin
aye leanin
rising early -
the moon
still reclining
Reid Rab
heich on a brainch -
Yule lights sheen on's breist
high on a branch -
Christmas lights shine on his breast
lum uphaud -
the sclater's bag o graith
his santa bunnet
chimney repair -
the slater's bag of tools
his santa hat
fawen leaves
mozie myndins
...a fere's dementia
fallen leaves
rotting memories
...a friend's dementia
freesty nicht -
sterns abuin
skimmerin unnerfuit
frosty night -
stars above
shimmering underfoot
shooglie on'r bike
she disnae ken yit
she's on'r ain
wobbly on her bicycle
she doesn't know yet
she's on her own
twa weet leaves skitter
doon the clair lozen
...bygaun thochts
two wet leaves slither
down the clear pane
...passing thoughts