Friday, May 30, 2008

ma neebor
flittin -
weet derns's watshod een

my neighbour
moving away -
rain hiding his tears

Thursday, May 29, 2008

new puppies
govein aw airts:

new poppies
gazing in all directions :
in the troke
a fryin pan -
sinlicht spreidin

in the trash
a frying pan -
sunlight spreading
amang the grummel
thair heids blawn aff

among the rubble
their heads blown off

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

the sauch's refleckshun
raxes up: at...

the willow's reflection
stretches up:
furst sake -
Santoka's haiku
soom by

first sake -
Santoka's haiku
swim past

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

dernin i the girse -
his lang lugs

hiding in the grass -
his long ears

Monday, May 26, 2008

bawdrons streekit
on the hap -
yin splatch o sinlicht

cat stretched
on the quilt -
one patch of sunlight

Friday, May 23, 2008

licht throuch
the gean orchard -
luvers beamin

light through
the cherry orchard -
lovers blushing
in the nest's derk bowlie:
a sheddae
cleckin a sang-burd

in the nest's dark bowl:
a shadow
hatching a song-bird
bairn's graveyaird -
teddies an skailt wheerums

children's graveyard -
teddies and scattered toys

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

a heidless doo -
gean flourish
slawly yirdin it

a headless pigeon -
cherry blossom
slowly burying it

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

throuch the blawort
bawdrons' bell

through the bluebells
cat's bell
on the claddach
yestreen's squeak:
lassie in a dookin ootrig

on the riverbed
yesterday's newspaper:
girl in a bathing costume

Monday, May 19, 2008

aneath the sotter
o deuks matin -
the quate burn

beneath the chaos
of ducks mating -
the silent stream

Sunday, May 18, 2008

backlans wrackt -
a fou muin
leukin sae bricht

ghettos demolished -
a full moon
looking so bright
fou muin -
on the derk watter
a swan

full moon -
on the dark river
a swan

Saturday, May 17, 2008

a fedder blaws
throuch the gairden -
she greits fir'r tint bairn

a feather blows
through the garden -
she cries for her lost child

Friday, May 16, 2008

flee draps on the page:
its unco sheddae
wycelik wi the japanese

fly drops on the page:
its strange shadow
fitting with the japanese
sookin'r bairn -
in the lift
a lang fite contrail

breast-feeding her child -
in the sky
a long white contrail
flourishins in's pooch:
the bodach
ettles tae mind...

blossoms in his pocket:
the old man
tries to remember...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

zen gairden:
sumyin's fuitprents
athort the watter

zen garden:
someone's footprints
across the water
throuch faw'n flourishins:
peerie brides
mak thair wey tae scuil

through falling blossoms:
tiny brides
make their way to school

Monday, May 12, 2008

the sin's raik
het on the airn bink:
a bodach rists

the sun's journey
hot on the iron bench:
an old man rests
at the en
o a siller steid:
snail dramein

at the end
of a silver trail:
snail dreaming
throuch the perk:
buits jowelt
wi gean flourish

through the park:
boots jewelled
with cherry blossom

Saturday, May 10, 2008

heronious traffeck -
dubs lowp sidelins,
clap tae throu-gaun fowk

outrageous traffic -
puddles leap aside,
cling to passers-by

Thursday, May 08, 2008

simmer burn -
bairns' nebs
boabbin amang the deuks

summer stream -
childrens' faces
bobbing amongst the ducks

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

petals waffin -
butterie leuks deezie

petals waving -
butterfly looks dizzy
reid-tapt aipple flourish -
bummer veesits the
hoose o a thoosan preeins

red-tipped apple blossom -
bee visits the
house of a thousand kisses
keek o day
the easin
...a spreidin smirk

the horizon
...a spreading smile

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

sic blitheness
gean flourish sweelin:
yin gits a hurl on a dug's neb

such joy
cherry blossom swirling:
one rides on a dog's nose
thunner an lichtnin -
a blin chiel
fite steek chappin the yirth

thunder and lightning -
a blind man
white stick tapping the earth

Monday, May 05, 2008

skirls o delicht -
mither's umberellae's
cum a fleein draigon

screams of delight -
mother's umbrella's
become a kite

Sunday, May 04, 2008

a faw'n
magnolia petal -
a haunfae o weet

a fallen
magnolia petal -
a handful of rain

Saturday, May 03, 2008

shofukuji tempel
speuggies daff i the stour:
the day's preachin

shofukuji temple
sparrows play in the dust:
today's sermon

(Japan's first Zen temple)

Friday, May 02, 2008

japanese tae-hoose -
a rose
foondert on'ts breers

japanese tea-house -
a rose
collapsed on its thorns
a lanely tempel -
koi gaither at the brig
apen- mou'd

a lonely temple -
koi gather at the bridge
origami cless -
sin throuch the winnock
unfaulds a tulip

origami class -
sun through the window
unfolds a tulip

Thursday, May 01, 2008

mither's hauns
yirdit i the yirth -
her gean flourishin

mother's hands
buried in the earth -
her cherry tree blossoming