hallae e'en -
pumpkin heids fleet i the derk
...peerie sangs an rimes
halloween -
pumpkin heads float in the dark
...little songs and rhymes
wundblawn leaves
drien alang the causey
...hearken tae thair scartin
windblown leaves
driven along the street
...hear their scratching
the hunter's muin
hus sichtit
a tod
the hunter's moon
has spotted
a fox
faw'n leaves
sweil an lowp
...hairst ballet
fallen leaves
swirl and leap
...autumnal ballet
hairst -
the airtist chirts oot
his umber tube
autumn -
the artist squeezes out
throuch the wuids -
the musky snowk o hairst
through the woods -
the musky smell of autumn
throuch oor upwreilin braith
we're tentie
o the geese leavin
through our rising breath
we watch
the geese leaving
doon it the mou -
a moose's reft
granfaither's chocolate
disappointed -
a mouse has stolen
grandfather's chocolate
hairst wunds -
preein ither treen
autumn winds -
trying out other trees
hairst mornin -
derk skelets
the gairden fou o leaves
autumn morning -
dark skeletons
the garden full of leaves
i the sin
she rists her heid
on a fedder bed - swan
in the sun
she rests her head
on a feather bed - swan
Reid Rab -
hodden amang
the rodden berries
robin -
hidden amongst
the rowan berries
thair an no thair -
Reid Rab kittles
the auld gairdner
there and not there -
the robin teases
the old gardener
a suddent glent
jinkin throuch the gairden
...mauppie's bun
a sudden flash zigzagging
through the garden
...rabbit's tail