heavin up airlie -
the muin
aye leanin
rising early -
the moon
still reclining
Reid Rab
heich on a brainch -
Yule lights sheen on's breist
high on a branch -
Christmas lights shine on his breast
lum uphaud -
the sclater's bag o graith
his santa bunnet
chimney repair -
the slater's bag of tools
his santa hat
fawen leaves
mozie myndins
...a fere's dementia
fallen leaves
rotting memories
...a friend's dementia
freesty nicht -
sterns abuin
skimmerin unnerfuit
frosty night -
stars above
shimmering underfoot
shooglie on'r bike
she disnae ken yit
she's on'r ain
wobbly on her bicycle
she doesn't know yet
she's on her own
twa weet leaves skitter
doon the clair lozen
...bygaun thochts
two wet leaves slither
down the clear pane
...passing thoughts
aw nicht
a teirin wund
rivin the toon tae shivereens
all night
a raging wind
tearing the town to bits
the suicide tree -
it's brainch
it's branch
pattren the burn
deuks mizzle
pattern the stream
ducks disappear
furst Yule whigmaleeries -
First Christmas baubles -
hame frae the circus
faither ettles tae caum thaim:
selkies, lions, clowns...
home from the circus
father tries to calm them:
seals, lions, clowns...
armistice day
the acer's leaves
armistice day -
pile up
efter ma neebours' cull
the skwurrels hae wun back
tae kittle ma gairden
after my neighbours' cull
the squirrels have returned
to enliven my garden
fift o November
day o's fooneral
...reek an aises
fifth of November
day of his funeral
...smoke and ashes
hallowday -
skeery pumpkins aye aroond
...skailt sweeties on the causey
All Saints' day -
scary pumpkins still around
...spilt sweets on the street
streengs hing tuim
traikle-farls gane
...wutchies an warlocks stappit
strings hang empty
treacle-scones gone
...witches and warlocks sated
burdsang -
a wrang note
birdsong -
a wrong note
deef tae ma 'guid mornin' -
thay'r tentie
tae the vyces i thayr heids
ignoring my 'good morning' -
they listen
to the voices in their heads
hairst -
the treen
autumn -
the trees
bauldie-heidit days
fir the pish-the-beds
bald-headed days
for the dandelions
eildit pleesurs -
blithe tae hae wurn oot
anither pair o shuin
aged pleasures -
happy to have worn out
another pair of shoes
gaitherin conkers agane -
gathering chestnuts again -
mornin yatter -
ma neebours clype
...maggies jyne in
morning chatter -
my neighbours gossip
...magpies join in
dung doon ceeties -
tuithit gavel-ens staun
...a deevil's jeegsaw
bombed cities -
toothed gable-ends stand
...a devil's jigsaw
dawn chorus -
the yatter
o the bucket men
the chitchat
of the bin men
duddie leaves
hing on
tattered leaves
hang on
back agane
tae snowk the peat reek
...lowes thit nivver gae oot
back again
to smell the peat smoke
...fires that never go out
hameless -
doverin aneath the heidline:
homeless -
asleep beneath the headline:
sica bonnie lassie -
her spirlie fingers
cleuks o a draigon tattoo
such a lovely girl -
her slender fingers
claws of a dragon tattoo
deid man's bells
a ticht fit
...bummer backs oot slawly
a tight fit
...bee reverses out slowly
his banes runchin
wrochtin thayr ain aises
his bones grinding
making their own ashes
unner the tree
a fawen egg -
sumhin's sookit oot the sangburd
under the tree
a fallen egg -
something's sucked out the songbird
...a brush hus
skytit frae the cannas
...a brush has
slipped from the canvas
sneddin ma herr
i the gairden
... haip o thrisseldoon
cutting my hair
in the garden
...heap of thistledown
bydein the licht
sweelt i the hap o'ts sel -
mornin glory
awaiting the light
wrapped in the blanket of itself -
morning glory
baurber shewn-up -
deein o cancer
his thocht's ma herr!
barber closed -
dying of cancer
his concern's my hair!
(For Sandy)
nIcht veesitors -
the siller jeegsaw
o snail steids
night visitors -
the silver jigsaw
of snail tracks
lockdoon ower -
the burn's banjo
new seeds jiggin on the err
lockdown over -
the stream's banjo
new seeds dancing on the air
yin clap!
an a synchronized soom
o minnons
one clap!
and a sychronized
swim of minnows
it houghmagandie
... snorlie threid
making love
...knotted thread
crematorium -
her sinbrunt
dowie yins
her sunburnt
gairden fou
o the brawest jazz jiggers
garden full
of the best jazz jivers
lockdoon -
the day a butterie
gaed by
lockdown -
today a butterfly
passed by
college hooses -
tap flair hained
fir theology scholars?
university flats -
top floor reserved
for theology students?
petal bi petal
the speengie rose
petal by petal
the peony rose
clam mornin -
the wuid souchs oot
a douce braith
damp morning -
the forest exudes
a sweet breath
hameless - doverin
on the ootdoor chess-brod
homeless - asleep
on the outdoor chess-board
craws wesh i the burn
maws wesh upstream
...the maggies keckle
crows wash in the stream
gulls wash upstream
...the magpies chortle
rescuin a bummer
she feshes me
a bizzin bicker
rescuing a bee
she brings me
a buzzing beaker
efter lockdoon
this year's speuggies
dinnae ken whit tae mak o's
after lockdown
this year's sparrows
don't know what to make of us
mawin the gairden -
hauf-cut bummers
amang the sookies
mowing the garden -
half-cut bees
among the clover heads
ilka day his carer
helps'm reenge the burn
fir crocodiles
every day his carer
helps him search the stream
for crocodiles
lowst frae lockdoon
the bodach
neb-deep in breer
released from lockdown
the old man
nose-deep in a wild rose
throuch the kirkyaird
the wund's wae chanter
...a pibroch fir Eilidh
through the churchyard
the wind's sad chanter
...a pibroch for Eilidh
(for Eilidh MacLeod: Barra killed by terrorists)
heatwave -
deed in a fur cot
dead in a fur coat
alang the trackside
wull brummles
...railway jeelie we cried it
along the trackside
wild brambles
...railway jam we called it
gallus i the pandemic -
his pooches fou
o haly medals
fearless in the pandemic -
his pockets full
of holy medals
swans dunt on the burn -
twa fedders
swans bump on the stream -
two feathers
island wedder clype -
washin rope
island weather report -
washing line
hebridean gowan -
sin in a reeng
o cluds
hebridean daisy -
sun in a ring
of clouds
fite bawdrons
the creels
white cat
the lobster-pots
bi a roustin anchor
fusherchiels hunker
govein seawarts
by a rusting anchor
fishermen sit
gazing seawards
cumulus cluds
...Reubens' wummen
cumulus clouds
...Reubens' ladies
daith o a priest -
ablow the saugh swan hunkers
beads faw frae'r neb
death of a priest -
below the willow swan sits
beads fall from her beak
covid-19 -
bygaun the beauticians'
...tuim keekin glesses glowerin
passing the beauticians'
...empty mirrors staring
juist be!
wi the renuncin
as gean flourish faws
just be!
with the surrender
as cherry blossom falls
readin i the gairden -
bummer's sheddae
... fou stap
reading in the garden -
bee's shadow
...full stop
In a snell wund
the tosieness
o gean flourish
in a bitter wind
the warmth
of cherry blossom
burds stoor
tae thayr nests
...guis-stappin maggies.
birds race
to their nests
...goose-stepping magpies
pandemic -
a tuim cheer
in monie a hame
an empty chair
in many a home
frae the fitbaw perk
the ref's fussle -
a bleckie repones
from the football park
the ref's whistle -
a blackbird answers
killer i the sinsheen:
bawdrons kids on sloom
aneath the speuggies
killer in the sunshine:
cat feigns sleep
beneath the sparrows
efter Mass
refleckin on the tuim tassie
...fou o sinsheen
after Mass
reflecting on the empty cup
...full of sunshine
on the plainstanes
speuggies hop amang the brainches
in a sheddae warl
on the pavement
sparrows hop among the branches
in a shadow world
Guid friday -
Reid Rab roon ma feet
its bluid-reid breist
Good friday -
a robin round my feet
its blood -red breast
the AH!! mament -
gean flourish
the AH!! moment -
cherry blossom
his jab date:
Guid Friday
...the bouk thirlt
his vaccination date:
Good Friday
...the body pierced
furst bummers
souch i the daffins' heids
...voar raga
first bees
drone in the daffodils' heads
...spring raga
funeral mornin -
a bleckie howks a hole
i the seed-bed
funeral morning -
a blackbird digs a hole
in the seed-bed
the via dolorosa -
a dozie-heidit bawdrons
retours tae's dwam
a sleepy-headed cat
returns to his dream
traik the stations
throuch caunle-lit daffins
walk the stations
through candle-lit daffodils
the reeng
o harebells
the ring
of bluebells
taur squad
rained aff - a wattergaw
quat on the causey
ashphalt squad
rained off - a rainbow
left on the street
creck o the host
licht sklentin frae the quaich
...sabbath thunnerstorm
crack of the host
light flashing from the chalice
...sunday thunderstorm
the cob snecks an plets
the girss - she feshes the seed
Intae the wyve
the cob snips and plaits
the grass - she fetches the seed
into the weave
faither's waddin reeng
wark wurn -
inby, twa bricht nems
father's wedding ring
work worn -
inside, two bright names
the day
the cheep o a kintra tune
an the years drapt awa
the hint of a country accent
and the years fell away
siller birks
i the wund
...'the divine dance'
silver birches
in the wind
rugby gemme -
mid the breetality o studs
yin bricht crocus
rugby match -
midst the brutality of studs
one bright crocus
amaryllis -
tooterin the day
the hid meesterie
trumpeting today
the hidden mystery
new rodwarks -
a peerie patch o snawdraps
wins oot
new roadworks -
a tiny patch of snowdrops
on the wunter tree
a flourish
o blue bonnets
on the winter tree
a blossom
of blue tits
blin smoor -
the swans hae cookit
...til they muive
snow drift -
the swans have disappeared
...until they move
ma neebour's tree -
a trapeze warl
my neighbour's tree -
a trapeze world
of bluetits
laid aff -
ilka day tentie
o an eeshogel growein
furloughed -
every day watching
an icicle grow
snaw faws ootby -
the priest sains oor clachan
cleedit in a fite robe
snow falls outside -
the priest blesses our village
dressed in a white robe
brucken-doon snawmen -
maggies matin
on een an nebs
broken-down snowmen -
magpies feeding
on eyes and noses
weengs spreid
peened tae the fairmer's palin:
craw's petrine corse
wings spread
pinned to the farmer's fence:
crow's petrine cross
jag day -
throuch the doacter's winnock
eeshogels dreepin
vaccination day -
through the doctor's window
icicles dripping
the bairnie dirls
the playgrun's yetts
the toddler rattles
the playground's gates
swan slips
intae the watter
...ryal barque
into the river
...royal barque
freestit playgrun -
myndin the keekin-gless
wrocht wi tacketie buits
frosted playground -
remembering the mirror
made with hobnailed boots
the swans it roseburn
keekin throuch the sprots
...aye in lockdoon
the swans at roseburn
peering through the reeds
...still in lockdown