Wednesday, April 29, 2015

mey brides
wi thair bobs
...gean treen

may brides
with their bouquets
...cherry trees

Sunday, April 26, 2015

a vause
o wullflooers
lichtenin the kirk

a vase
of wildflowers
brightening the church

Friday, April 24, 2015

burds gaitherin
ryss an strae  -
athort perks a babbie greits

birds gathering
twig and straw  -
across fields a baby cries

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

hern grippit
i the wample
o the minnons

heron rapt
in the wriggle
of the minnows
a guiss fedder
on the wund

a goose feather
on the wind

Friday, April 17, 2015

govein up it
the blue-bonnet
moose shoort wi shalls

gazing up at
the blue tit
mouse showered with shells
it the shrine a moose  -
aiblins incaain
...whae kens

at the shrine a mouse  -
perhaps praying
...who knows
keek o day
on the brae

on the hill
the pish-the-bed batch...
thair stobbie herrcuts

the dandelion gang...
their spiky haircuts

Sunday, April 12, 2015

the licht's
on agane
i the magnolia

the light's
on again
in the magnolia

Friday, April 10, 2015

the cailleach chitters  -
i the ingle
an attercap's wab

the old lady shivers  -
in the hearth
a spider's web

Thursday, April 09, 2015

in a clair puil
bebbles hove up
frae sumhin unsein

in a clear pool
bubbles rise
from something unseen

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

cancer, canker  -
gye sib
the bodach an's aipple tree

cancer, canker  -
very alike
the old man and his apple tree

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

fou muin  -
a'm stertilt
bi ma sheddae

full moon  -
i'm startled
by my shadow
in perfit quate
a singul daffin
lichtens the day

in utter silence
a single daffodil
brightens the day

Sunday, April 05, 2015

fou muin --
skew thair heids

full moon  -
turn their heads

Thursday, April 02, 2015

the jylt banker's hoose  -
i the winnock
a bairn's abacus

the jailed banker's house  -
in the window
a child's abacus

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

throuch stainit gless
the sin  -
worshipers o ilka colour

through stained glass
the sun  -
worshipers of every colour
weedower  -
in's waddin reeng
Pace caunles blinter

widower  -
in his wedding ring
Easter candles flicker