hame wi'r new hurkle-bane
he sneds a slae brainch -
a limb tae mak'r stieve
home with her new hip-bone
he cuts a blackthorn branch -
a limb to steady her
heid on a concrete pillae
...hameless bunnle
head on a concrete pillow
...homeless bundle
on freestit girss
heroin needles
an spuins
on frosted grass
and spoons
hivvie snaw
heavy snow
frost -
the plainstanes glentin
a bodach chitterin
the pavement sparkling
an old man shivering
freesty mornin -
the hern fushin
the bodach's dreepin neb
frosty morning -
the heron fishing
the old man's dripping nose
boxing day
tuimness, quate -
anely the coot waffs's bunt
emptiness, silence -
only the coot waves his tail
the day on the tree
anither gee-gaw
...crescent muin
today on the tree
another ornament
...crescent moon