granny growes an crines,
growes an crines
...babbie's new sweeng
granny grows and shrinks,
grows and shrinks's new swing
his moothie
liggs in'ts box -
fir waant o braith
his harmonica
lies in its box -
for want of breath
aw day
the yin bummer
trevellin the hinny rod
all day
the one bee
travelling the honey road
ma banjoist freen,
his banjo oot o tuin
my banjoist friend,
his banjo out of tune
this mornin
the birk tree's
a siller plash
this morning
the birch tree
is a silver splash
i the press
fernyear's bulbs sproot -
kennin it's voar afore ah dae
in the cupboard
last year's bulbs sprout -
knowing its spring before I do
sinlicht sprauchles
on the cairpet
wabbit frae sica vaig
sunlight sprawls
on the carpet
weary from such a journey
the lily apened
the lily opened